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Virtual reality could soon become the next big thing in Hollywood, taking over from 3D and IMAX and and all the other technologies big Hollywood studios embrace to create more immersive experiences for moviegoers. By putting on a virtual reality headset, fans would hypothetically be able to interact with scenes or characters within the film.cinema3d

All of these experiences point to what’s really extraordinary about the future of virtual reality for Hollywood filmmakers – fans become part of the storytelling experience when real-world actions are transformed into actions in virtual reality. If 3D film technology was designed to make the action bigger and more real, then virtual reality is the next logical iteration: You are interacting with characters and changing plot lines and experiencing a physical sensation that your mind registers as being “real.”

To get started, let’s make sure your 3d VR viewer is working.  Head on over to our test link (below), load your phone into the viewer and make sure you are ready. The desktop browser you maybe reading this with also may support WebGL, so give it a try.  Don’t worry if you need to make minor adjustments – if you run into any problems, we are here to help. You can also get help or initiate discussions by starting a new posting. By doing so, you might help out the rest of us with something to learn from you!

  • A Test For WebGL and Augmented Reality – This test if your phone supports 3D webpages. CLICK HERE TO TEST
  • Use the back button to return to take the next test when completed.
    Don’t worry if you don’t see anything as this means you do no support WEBGL or web browser 3D. A new phone will fix this issue but don’t fret there is a ton of content out there. If you did see something from this test then proceed to your first 3D web page ride.

  • WebGL Roller Coaster – Passed The Test? If So Then Lets Ride!

Now You Are Ready For Action

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Enjoy Your Worlds…

By |2023-05-14T19:34:59+00:00December 21st, 2014|Support Links|0 Comments